On top of your game? Which game is that?

On top of your game?  Which game is that?

When England hosted the Rugby World Cup last year, we were treated to watching top flight rugby, whichever side you were supporting.  And that’s the joy of seeing an expert in their field display their skills, it can appear effortless when in fact we’re watching the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and practise.  What does it take to be world class – at anything?

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Health: is it an on/off switch or a dimmer switch?

Health: is it an on/off switch or a dimmer switch?

What do you think about health and wellbeing?  Or are you someone who thinks instead about illness and disease?  Of course they are two sides of the same coin and different people will find it easier to thinking about the coin in different ways.   But really the question is:  are you an on/off light switch or a dimmer switch person? 

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There's manual therapy; there's chiropractic; and then there's NSA

There's manual therapy; there's chiropractic; and then there's NSA

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) works with the body to facilitate the experience of safety and rest. But, unlike a summer holiday, you don’t need two weeks to feel this relaxed, it takes a few minutes. What is more, your body can learn to reproduce that switch to relaxation. Find out more…

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Yes, NSA does lower stress!

Yes, NSA does lower stress!

There are many ways of increasing a person’s capacity to deal with challenges and stress (meditation, exercise, social support from friends, family, neighbours and community groups).  The one I know most about clinically is NSA which works affects how the nervous system works.  In this survey comparison, NSA has demonstrated that it positively impacts a person’s ability to handle stress. 

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